From Pain To Peace With Energy Healing

From Pain To Peace With Gen Endwards

Uncover the secrets behind why people fall ill and the profound role our subconscious plays in it. Learn how to get from pain to peace with Gen Edwards.

Overcome Fears, Start A Healing Business

Overcome Fears, Start A Healing Business

Discover the 3-step process to overcome fears, start a thriving healing business, and make the impact you were born for. Join us on a path of inspiration and empowerment. Your healing business starts here!

How Energy Healing Can Help with Depression and Anxiety?

Energy Healing

Discover how energy healing can help with depression and anxiety. Learn about the benefits of restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit through various energy healing techniques. Explore scientific studies that have explored the effectiveness of energy healing in managing depression and anxiety symptoms.

How To Overcome Procrastination

Nina Maglic

Procrastination affects all of us from time to time. Here are the 6 proven steps to say goodbye to procrastination for good.

What is Holistic Wellness?

Nina Maglic Meditation

What is Holistic Wellness? A Comprehensive Holistic Wellness Guide There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what holistic wellness entails. The term “holistic” can be interpreted in a variety of ways, and there are many different approaches to achieving holistic wellness. However, there are some core concepts that are generally included in any […]

Three Reasons Why You Cannot Heal Childhood Wounds

Nina Maglic We all have something in our past that needs some healing. Some of the events in your childhood you wish that they never happened. You want to move on and forget about them, but they sneak into your life again when you least expect them. When you finally take courage and start working on […]

How healing childhood wounds transformed my life

Nina Maglic

How to escape the hamster wheel of suffering and create a life full of love, laughter, joy, and happiness. I’m not going to lie, dealing with my childhood wounds was painful. There is a lot of shame, anger, frustration, and guilt around that life period. I would hear people talking about a happy life and I […]
