Unless you understand these five things, you’ll always struggle to sell. Many healers hate sales and everything associated with it because they believe selling is something evil—it’s slimy, pushy, and itchy. But what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be that way at all?
In this episode, you’ll discover five important things that will help you sell more, help more people, and have a bigger impact.
This is what you’ll learn:
📌 The number one reason why people don’t buy sessions, courses, and memberships and what they are buying instead.
📌 What is really stopping people from buying your services?
📌 Why do people suck in sales calls and how to turn the script?
📌 What does it mean when someone says no to you on a sales call?
📌 Five mindset shifts to help you sell more, help more people, and have a bigger impact.
By the end of the episode, you’ll feel inspired and motivated for your next sales call.
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